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TED Talks

TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

These 18-minute talks are from the world’s most interesting thinkers, creators and leaders, who are challenged to give the “talk of their lives” in a fixed time.  There are more than 200, and all free.  Great for advanced oral communication.


Lesson Stream

Video clips with lesson plans


Education Clip Library

Education Clip Library  a library of educationally contextualized video clips.  It covers all major curriculum areas.  Requires  registration.


ESL Movie notes

ESLnotes – The English Learner Movie Guides

Quite outdated movies, but each guide is a detailed synopsis of a movie that consists of a summary of the plot, a list of the major characters, a glossary of vocabulary and various cultural reference, and questions for ESL class discussion.


Monkey See 

MonkeySee - YouTube

Short how-to videos; great for process listening/note-taking.



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