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ESL Video

This is a wonderful resource; the videos are divided in to different levels and range from music videos to commercials to TV programs to TED videos.  The most useful part are the comprehension quizzes and transcripts.


TED Talks

Even though this has no ESL content, it has so many applications for higher level listening and vocabulary development. Note that most videos have a transcript in which any word or phrae can be clicked, and the video will jump riight to that part of the video.


Big Think

This is similar to TED Talks, although this site has video and blogs.  Very useful for advanced practice on current topics.


Real English

Over 70 videos, produced by Real English, organized generally around grammar points (especially the lower levels).  The first view is without closed captioning, then the second view is with.  Most of the videos have comprehension questions as well.  There is a "record and compare" tool coming soon.

Sozo Exchange

This site has a series of videos with idioms, pronunciation, quizzes, etc.


Monkey See

Again, not an ESL video, but really useful, short how-to videos; great for process listening/note-taking.



Similar to MonkeySee above, but some of the processes are more in powerpoint/printed form.



Audio Only




ELLO online listening lab

ELLLO is a free online listening resource of over 1,000 listening activities designed especially for ESL and EFL students and teachers. Most listening activities include images, an interactive quiz, transcript of the audio and downloadable MP3


Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Great Site!! Listening exercises, vocabulary, real life situations.

Talk English

Talk English

This site has three levels of conversation, followed by comprehension questions and full text.  There are also nice lessons on speaking, using common phrases, etc.

Listen and Write

Twenty-one levels of listening dictation with simple news stories.


NPR Search : NPR

Public radio podcasts


Beginning levels


Simple News stories

Simple (As in only about three sentences!) news stories with the option to listen, some vocabulary highlights


Language guide

This is a beginner visual vocabulary guide.  You choose the topic (i.e. fruits), and picturers pop up.  You listen to the pronunciation as you roll over the word.  Great for beginners.




Teaching English with Songs

Songs with vocabulary work, cloze exercises, listening exercises and discussion questions.

Songs and Activities for English Learners

Over 200 songs with activities, including links to grammar points


Lyric Training

This isn't an ESL site, so there aren't any overt language learning lessons, but it is basically a cloze-fill site, with three different levels. It could be adapted to classroom listening at the lower levels--fun for students who love singing along with the music!

Useful non-ESL listening sites


Scientific American 60-second science

Once again, not specifically for ESL, but for specialized and advanced students, the topics are interesting and often from current events.


Voice of America

In addition to news, this site has some useful exercises for learning English, with listening and reading


NPR: National Public Radio
Great news and social topics in a slower presentation

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